We don’t want you to panic but it’s officially November. How?! We don’t know. Ok, actually we might be panicking. The chaos of the holidays is just around the corner which means so too are the endless get-togethers, gatherings, parties, events and schmoozin’ and boozin’ galore. Obviously, you want to look your absolute best despite the stress, so we’re sharing our tried and true secrets to keep you fabulous at every one of your upcoming seasonal soirees. Are you ready? One word: injectables.
You’ve got your hair and nails on point but what about a little TLC for your face? Botox and dermal filler can take years off of your appearance in just minutes and leave you looking better than your best. Of course, at NuAGE, you have the expertise of Dr. Jones who has nearly 20 years of experience in the game. You know you’re in good hands with us. Since it can be a daunting realm to jump into, we want to break down some of our favourite treatments and how just a little tweaking can make a world of difference while still respecting the integrity of your face. You won’t look plastic, fake or overdone with injectables. Good work is undetectable.
Holiday Beauty Secret #1: Botox
Let’s start with Botox. It’s important to understand the difference between the types of lines on our faces, which are categorized as static and dynamic lines. We all have dynamic lines — these are the lines that form when we make expressions. When the dynamic lines wear out their welcome, static lines are the ones that stick around after the expression is long gone. Which lines are Botox used for? Well, both.
For those dynamic lines, we can use the neuromodulator as a preventative measure to stop them in their tracks before they have a chance to turn into static lines. On top of that, and similar to the theory behind microneedling, the simple act of poking an area with a tiny needle will stimulate your body’s natural repair response. Let’s say you have static horizontal forehead lines. Your first session will treat the “movement” and calm that down but the embedded lines will still be visible. Give it another go and you’ll notice those lines become softer and softer until eventually, they’re hardly visible. Combine it with microneedling and, boy, you’re in for a good, ultra-smooth time!
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So, what’s possible with Botox? Our absolute favourite spot is right between the brows. Those pesky 11’s make your resting bitch face so strong...You don’t mean to look pissed off; it’s just your face. Girl, we know. We’ve been there. But that’s all in the past thanks to a few units of Botox. This is the place that we can all agree makes the biggest difference when it comes to taking stress off of the face. You’ll look softer, more relaxed and like you just returned from a weekend at an isolated spa resort. #ZenAF.
Speaking of the upper portion of the face, while you’re at it, why not give a “Botox brow lift” a go? This will relax the muscles around the brows and allow them to sit in a wonderfully natural, lifted position. No, you won’t look like Spock. It’s subtle and people probably won’t notice it. Remember, that’s what we want! Good work is work no one can spot. Our Vancouver Botox brow lift babes love that it adds a little life to their eyes and makes them look like how they feel after their first cup of coffee on a Friday morning; just the right amount of perky! Botox can take up to two weeks to kick in, so we recommend getting it just before December rolls around. This way your Botox is settled and ready before the parties commence!
Holiday Beauty Secret #2: Dermal Filler
Whether you’re a Botox veteran and you’re feeling a little adventurous, you’ve had it on your wishlist forever or the thought recently crossed your mind, dermal filler is another procedure to consider. Nervous? We don’t blame you. If you’ve read our Complete Guide to Botox and Filler, then you’ve seen our breakdown by age demographic but let’s throw that out the window for a sec. Just like Botox, there are a few key areas that with small, subtle tweaks, make your face look majorly refreshed.
One of our most popular treatments is the tear trough. For all of us workaholics, it’s pretty hard to get the recommended 8+ hours of sleep every night but thanks to under eye filler and coffee (thank the heavens for coffee), we don’t need to look as tired as we feel. This treatment fills in the “gap” or hollow between the malar fat pad and orbital bone to create a brighter, smoother, younger look beneath your eyes. As we age, the fat pads begin to shift and spread further and further apart, causing an overall hollowing effect and shadows on the face. We can use dermal filler to combat this.
And, as perfectly illustrated in the image above, our next favourite place for filler is the cheeks! Whether it’s along the zygomatic arch to enhance your cheekbones and add beautifully complementary dimension to your face or it’s used to restore lost volume in the mid-cheek/malar pad area, this will give you that instantly lifted, radiant appearance that we’re all after. By adding volume back to the cheeks, we can also help kick gravity in the butt by allowing the pre-jowl and jawline to look lifted and more taut. Really want to firm the neck and jawline further? Try a few RF Skin Tightening sessions before the holidays!
And last, but certainly not least, are the lips. Of course, the lips! Now, when we talk lip filler, we don’t mean huge, voluminous lips. Sure, if that’s what you’re after, we’re right there with you. But, most of us are aiming for subtle and natural. Adding a little volume or symmetry to your pout will automatically make you appear more youthful. And, duh, your new perfect shade of holiday red is going to look amazing on your new and improved lips!
Worried about having duck lips? Not gonna happen here! Remember, a full syringe of filler is only 1ml. Let’s put that in perspective in terms of volume:
We always, always, always recommend working up to a full syringe (or more) slowly. Layering your filler is key, but more on that later. By amping things up gradually, you’re also able to adjust to your new lips. We find that the best, most natural lips are ones that are achieved with patience. Since everyone’s ideal for the perfect lips varies, it’s hard to recommend how much of a syringe you should start with. Therefore, come with a reference! Just like you would for your nails or hair, find a pair of lips you love and bring a picture of them to your appointment. Dr. Jones will be able to assess your pout and your goals, and let you know where to start, how many steps until you get there and the realistic results you can expect.
After all this, now you’re probably wondering if you’ll bruise. To put it simply, it’s possible. Keep in mind, your face is literally covered in a ton of vasculature. No matter what your experience has been in the past, you should always plan to bruise. Check out our Pre & Post Care Guide for the things you should avoid prior to your appointment to keep bruising to a minimum.
Our Top Dos and Don’ts for Injectables
- DO have an idea of the results you’re after. If you’re able to let us know the looks you like and don’t like, we’ll be able to better deliver exactly what you want. Bring reference photos of lips or cheeks that you love.
- DON’T book your appointment within two weeks of any big events, meetings or photos! With filler, you will swell and possibly even bruise and Botox won’t fully take effect until seven to 10 days after treatment. Plan ahead.
- DO start conservatively. Less is more. Doing too much all at once can distort your appearance and may be visually and emotionally overwhelming. If you’re looking for lots of volume, go slow and build up naturally. If you have multiple areas you’d like treated, prioritize and treat only one or two areas per visit.
- DON’T wait until all of your filler or Botox is gone before coming back. Past injectors may have told you that your filler will last six to nine months, and while that is technically true, they aren’t telling you the whole truth. What they mean by that is, in six to nine months all of your filler will be completely gone. At that point, we’ll be starting from scratch all over again. If you come back before it’s all gone, let’s say within three to four months after your initial visit, we can layer a bit more filler and “top up” your treatment area. After that, we’ll see you again in six to nine months and then 10 to 12 months. Eventually, you’ll just come in for yearly visits since your filler will last longer and longer. As a bonus, layering also means that you need less to maintain the same results, saving you $$$!!!
- DO have a budget and realistic expectations in mind. Remember that this is your face, after all. While you may be able to find someone cheaper on deal sites, consider that cheap work isn’t good work and good work isn’t cheap. Yes, injectables can do wonderful, amazing things but we’re only enhancing your face, not giving you a whole new one. There are limitations.
- DON’T massage your filler! Depending on the area treated and product used, it may feel hard and possibly even “bumpy” for anywhere from three to ten days after injection. Hyaluronic acid will bind with water molecules in your tissue over the week following your treatment. It’s during this binding process that your filler will soften and settle into place. While we’re on this tip, DON’T do any heavy kissing for at least 72 hours after treatment! Tell your boo to back off for now.
- DO sleep on your back with slight elevation. This will prevent you from smushing your filler as well as reduce the amount of swelling. It may not be the most comfortable sleeping position but you’ll be thanking us the next day!
While we can’t make you feel any less frazzled during the holiday season, we can definitely make you at least look calm and refreshed. Schedule an appointment at NuAGE Laser & Skin Care for injectables in Vancouver. See for yourself what kind of magic Dr. Jones can work to smooth, lift, firm or turn up the volume on any area of your face. Now, bring on the festivities!